The National Travel Trade Portal

Launching in Q1 2024, the National Travel Trade Portal is an account-based marketplace connecting supply – rates, availability and content – from U.S. tourism businesses with travel trade buyers around the world.

Illustration of people standing in front of a map with plotted points


Quick and convenient access to product across the USA

Unique Product Offerings

The trade portal makes it easy to search and discover suppliers in smaller markets without costly marketing and business development. We work directly with destinations and businesses to help expand the amount of product available to you from across the United States.

Bookings Managed Directly with Suppliers

You can easily refresh existing itineraries or develop new offerings without having to go through extensive contracting with suppliers. Suppliers will invoice you directly for bookings and commissions are preset by type (12% for accommodations, and 15% for activities).

The portal offers access to products and destinations that haven’t usually been included in traditional contracting, which will expand availability of authentic and off-the-beaten-path supply from across the USA.


Tourism businesses across the USA benefit from the portal by easily sharing dynamic rates and availability with travel trade professionals around the world. Adding supply to the Exchange is as easy as connecting your inventory to the Exchange and opting into the portal. This makes it simple to reach new domestic and international markets without costly business development investments. 

 Our goal is to help simplify your product distribution. Tour operators, travel agents and other trade professionals can find and book inventory directly with your business through the portal, and can be invoiced directly for the reservation. You’ll pay a modest commission on successful bookings you receive through the portal (12% for accommodations, or 15% for activities/tours), along with the Tourism Exchange’s flat fee of 3.5%. This is significantly lower cost than traditional B2B wholesale rates and allows your business to reach more potential customers with ease! 

Be Among the First in the Industry

By getting registered today, you’ll be first in line to accessing the trade portal’s direct connections (and bookings) between trade and suppliers without any annoying intermediaries or disruptions to customer service.

The trade portal is intended to be an additive solution that expands visibility for tourism businesses and smaller markets that cannot easily participate in traditional contracting processes with global travel trade. It is not intended to provide all of the services of a receptive operator, nor replace existing contracts or relationships.

Illustration of a man pulling a lever connected to a travel bingo board